Start your flossing routine right with Oradoc's infused fluoride and mint floss
A regular brushing routine may not reach the deepest area between each tooth. Oradoc Dental Floss helps to protect your gums, remove plaque, and strengthen your teeth with infused fluoride.
Why... Oradoc Flossy Glide
Strengthen tooth enamel through every use with our fluoride-infused floss
Mint-flavoured floss leaves you feeling fresh
Features smooth and delicate thread softer to your gums
Shred resistant threads to last throughout your flossing session
Manufacture under ISO 9001
The first Lao dental brand
Our Products
Oradoc Flossy Glide
Dental Floss
Eco-Friendly Toothbrush
Arctic Floss Picks
Mint Floss Picks
Charcoal Eco-Toothbrush